The Generation Formerly Known As ?

Posted by Unknown | | Posted On Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 7:00 AM

Mosiacs, Millenials, Gen Y, iGen, Digital Natives, Net Generation, Generation Next, Echo Boomers, Google Generation...if you had that many labels you would be confused too. I have been gathering information from various sources for the last year that has in many cases left me scratching my head due to conflicting information. There are many diverse descriptions of this generation thus the title Mosaics. They are very tough to identify with a simple characterization. George Barna says "this generation is very mosaic in every aspect of their life."
I did find a few common themes that were common in most of the documentation.
Here are a few...
Authenticity-They desire it. They demand it. All posers need not apply. In many cases they value being genuine over a better product with pretense. Stripped down, raw music is preferred over heavily produced and packaged music.
Causes-  A cause is a must for Mosaics and if your cause is too mainstream it will be rejected. Life does not have value if you are not giving back. Modern day slavery is one of the larger mosaic causes. Groups like Abolition Media and StreetLight Safe House are just a few of the non-profits that are giving back to those that do not have a voice.
Digitally Connected-Another name this group is identified as is digital native. Mosaics are more wired and connected than any generation before it. Millenials spend almost every waking hour connected to 2 and 3 devices at a time. Plugged in all day and every waking how sounds very exhausting to me, but it is a way of life for Gen Y. I have often wondered what the long term effects of being so connected all the time will have on this generation. Only time will tell.

Although tough to pin down Mosaics do have a renewed set of values that in some cases are surprising. Choosing authenticity over mass marketing  and causes over  and the status quo are a few of the values I admire them for. I have high hopes for this Next Generation.

PS. Mosaics do not like to be connected to or identified by any of these names listed above.

Do you live with or spend a lot of time with Mosaics? What other characteristics do you see?


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