Jeff began the talk with the question, "What was your first thought when you saw this banner out front"? He got many varied responses and some as expected were offended. Jeff went on to explain that this picture is just feet and the 3 letter word sex and how we have let outside sources make us think about sex as dirty.
Some felt is was dirty and were embarrassed. Others didn't want their kids to see it because they were not prepared to have a talk about sex with them. Still others like Jeff don't like feet and can't get past the idea of dirty feet. However you think of it, sex was not created to be dirty. Sex was created by God our creator to be a beautiful expression of love for us to enjoy, when kept within the parameters he set for it.
Over the years I have had to change my thinking about sex. My framework for sex was based on what I had seen and heard from outside sources. Once I began to understand the truth of what God had intended sex to be It was very freeing to me. Sex is not a dirty topic we shouldn't talk about. It is a gift and a pleasure made by God to be enjoyed withing the relationship of a married man and woman. When we take it out of that framework sex becomes something it was not intended to be.
Jeff challenged us to begin by changing the way we think about sex. Changing our minds is where great sex can begin. Are you ready for a change of mind?