The Pieces That Make Me A Whole Man

Posted by Unknown | | Posted On Monday, August 29, 2011 at 9:04 AM

I know you have heard it before but I am going to say it anyway. My wife Cindy is the other part of me that makes me better than I humanly could be. As this was the first time Kacey(Our Son) & I were alone for a week without her I discovered several things about myself.

Without Cindy:

  1. Kacey and I would be malnourished or starving.
  2. The house would look like it does before we clean it prior to her return.
  3. I would forget some of the important things that have to be done to exist.
  4. Her dogs Tank & Chopper would be doomed.
  5. I don't think I would be motivated to get out of bed every day.
  6. I would lose what little balance I have and would wonder around aimlessly.
Even though Cindy is all that for me, to be what I need to be for her and our family, I have to be centered in Christ. He is the only resource of love, patience, kindness, gentleness, self control.....that will help me to be the man I need to be for my family. Without Jesus, I have no hope of being the other half of Cindy I need to be or the father my kids need me to be. 

I am very excited about our upcoming "Courageous" series and the movie launch. I am praying that through the beast feast, movie launch and the 5 week teaching series we will see many many men discover the courage it takes to be the men God created them to be for their families. Here are a few links and resources for the series and events.

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